Losing a Child

Child Boards

[-] Miscarriage, Stillborn and Infant Loss

[-] Adult Child


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[1] Girl, eight, died of sepsis after being sent home to take ibuprofen and ....

[2] The gruesome murder that's remained a mystery for 44 years: Two 11-year-old ....

[3] When John died on a railway, police said it was an accident. Now his parents ...

[4] Jay Slater's family turn out for funeral as pals wear blue in tribute to ....

[5] Baby boy who was born prematurely after fatal blood clot killed his mother ....

[6] 'There's a baby in the bag': Mother screamed when she found her daughter's ....

[7] Housing boss finally SACKED after two-year-old Awaab Ishak was killed by mould

[8] Pictured: 'Wonderful' pupil, 15, who was 'grabbed, pinned down' and stabbed ....

[9] PSNI accepts petition from Fiona Donohoe seeking justice for her son Noah


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